Merry Christmas! Here are some carols, and a Christmas message.
Sight Reading Factory (SRF) is a brilliant app for improving your sight reading. Students can have it for FREE, saving $50.
Are you ready for your piano exams? Here are some easy things you can do to maximize your marks!
Sydney Open is a fabulous opportunity to see behind the scenes, and go inside buildings normally off-limits. Here are some photos...
In years gone by, there was only one choice: the AMEB. But now a range of other exams and goals are available which might suit you better.
Have you missed out on all school events due to COVID? Multi-Concert Day is Sunday 22 November! WEAR A MASK! Here are all the details...
I love concerts! They're a great time to share your love of music with your family (and get a lot of compliments!)
Our studio beautiful Blue Mountains National Park, in Australia. Here's what it looks like...
Sight reading—the silver bullet! You'll be able to learn pieces quickly and easily, and have more fun with your music.
Music for Rest & Relaxation 1
My musical, Christian, Christmas greeting! Lots of carols on the piano.