
SessionBand Quick Review...
I'm sure that ALL of you know that I LOVE SessionBand.
I use it for backings for songs, backings to make technical work interesting, for composing songs with students, and for being mean to students by starting a piece slowly... and then boosting the speed (Bad Stephen!)
NEW - SessionBand Soul-Jazz-Funk - FREE!

You can download it, and use three incredible styles (each with 6 musicians, 16 drum styles, cymbal variations, and a MEGA COOL effects mixer!).
There are NO LIMITS on functionality.
If you want more styles, there's an in-app purchase, but for most students, the three main styles will be more than enough.
And, did I mention? It's FREE!
Read about it here:
Get it for FREE from here:
BIG Update
ALL the apps have been updated to have the new TRACK BUILDER.
I WILL be using this in some upcoming composing workshops - it makes life sooo easy!
Why Should I Get Them?
I've already written many backings in SessionBand, and over the next two weeks I intend to write a lot of fun activities to help students learn and master things like chords, blues, improvising, lead sheets, and composing.
Normally I just send out the backings as audio files.
But if you own SessionBand, I can send you the actual SessionBand files, and then you can slow them down and speed them up yourself at home.
You can alter styles, remix the track, add effects...
Very, very cool, and I hope lots and lots of fun!
(Oh, and educational... but the fun bit is better!)
Online Workshops
I've also just invested in getting an upgrade to MeetFox to allow me to have FOUR students join in to do online workshops, more easily than Zoom.
I can't wait to do some fun composing workshops, and some simple workshops on using SessionBand.
I'm a big fan of the idea that you can have fun and learn at the same time (and you'll learn more too, because you're enjoying it!)
Which Ones Should I Get?
If you can only afford one or two, the most useful is BLUES (which is orange in colour - don't ask me why!).
SessionBand BLUES isn't just blues: it's Swing, Rock'n'Roll, Bluegrass, Slow Rock and more. Very useful (and incredibly cool).
Second most useful is the ORIGINAL - this has an additional in-app purchase required (I'm not sure, but I think $5). The original has less editing options than the others, BUT... it has 86 styles in all genres, so it's incredibly useful.
I was really looking forward to the ROCK one, and it IS good... but all the styles are loud and heavy, so it's not as useful as BLUES.
Here's My "Ranking Of Usefulness"...
1. Blues
Unbelievably useful, incredibly fun, and almost every time I've started a project it's inspired some creative ideas. So much fun and cool music for $1.
2. Original
86 styles can't be wrong!
3. Country
I know! I'm not a Country person, but this is also Pop, AOR, 3/4, Shuffle, Finger Picking, and Blue Grass - very useful.
4. Soul Jazz Funk
5. Acoustic 1 & 2
Acoustic 1 is somewhat refined with some lovely finger picking: one of my students used this to do the guitar track for a song he now sells online, which you can listen to here:https://mattsykes.bandcamp.com/track/stars
Acoustic 2 is a bit more forceful. I've used this for several projects.
6. Rock
Don't get wrong, I like loud...
7. Ukulele
This is actually quite useful, and very good fun! I've used this for several of the "Blast Off" pieces, and for "Over The Rainbow".
8. EDM and Deep House
These are electronic dance varieties. I don't use them that much, and the drum styles are a bit repetitive (that's EDM...)
9. Drums
Very good quality, but for most students, Garageband is more flexible.
10. Piano
This is VERY good quality, but since we already play piano, we don't really need it!
11. Jazz
These are EXCELLENT, and I use them a lot.I'm only putting them at the end because they are very different to use compared to the normal SessionBands. If you know what a Bmaj7(#11) is, (or you'd like to learn), then these are for you. Otherwise, get the others first.
You can get them here (scroll down for direct links to the App Store):
Extra Good Deal - Bundles...
They're also offering bundles, for even less money.Have a look to see which bundle contains the apps you most want - you might save even more money.
One Last Word Of Advice
SessionBand may be inexpensive, but it's not cheap.That is, these are some of the best session musicians in the world, and these loops have been recorded and mastered at the highest quality on the best equipment.Therefore, these apps are... BIG (Soul-Jazz-Funk is 1.7GB)So you might get a message saying "your iPad has insufficient memory available".
My advice: buy them now while they're on special (You're saving 80%), and you can offload some unused apps later.
Questions? Advice
If you have any questions or need some advice (or just want to hear me rave about SessionBand again!), please don't hesitate to send me an email.
I don't make any money from sales of SessionBand - I just truly think that it’s AWESOME!

Have fun, keep safe, be positive, and enjoy some music!
Stephen Walter
(C) Blue Mountains Piano School