
1. Have a pencil, pen (or best, an erasable pen) ready to go.
Also, have your homework book or some paper to write on.
And, a clipboard to make it easier to write will be very helpful.
2. Make sure your device is charged up (or better yet, plugged in) before starting your lesson.
3. If you're not on the NBN...
Quite a few students are not on the NBN, and for most the lessons have been fine.
The one problem: Blue Mountains ADSL is slow...
so if you're doing an online piano lesson, your brother can't watch Netflix!
BTW, I have NO HESITATION in recommending Aussie Broadband. Their customer support is fabulous!
4. Use Chrome or Firefox as your browser. Don't use Microsoft Internet Explorer.
5. Having a light next to the piano = GOOD
Having the light pointing at your devices camera = BAD (tee hee!)
6. I miss giving out stickers!
Two students have made suggestions, and I'm going to implement both of them.
Firstly (thanks Mandy!) I'm going to make up sticker sheets that you can print out, and you can then either add your own stickers, or draw on the pages. When the lock-down is over, I'll give you my originals!
Second (thanks Tia!) there's a great program called "ClassDojo", where you can share ideas, and get online rewards and points. I'll be setting that up this weekend. This looks like a lot of fun (especially for little kids who like cartoon monsters... like me!)
7. Improving your iPad sound...
Most keyboards and digital pianos have a plug/jack (or two) labelled AUX IN.
This allows you to connect your iPad to your piano for MUCH better sound.
You'll need a cheap cable ($9) to do the job (many of you will probably already have this cable at home, but if you don't, you can get one online here:

Jaycar also have a shop in Penrith, so you can pick it up if you wish.
If you have a new digital, it might have Bluetooth audio, which you can use without a cable. Just be aware that sometimes this can cause a delay (latency) that can be distracting.
If you have an old keyboard, it might need two plugs (called RCA). That cable is here:

Again, you can get it online or in Penrith.
If you have any questions, call me or email me.
8. For those of you using Windows, can I suggest PDFill PDF Printer Driver?
I've tried many, many virtual printer drivers.
This is my favourite, and it is totally free, with no nagging.
This allows you to print files (e.g. sheet music) to a pdf file instead of to paper.
You can then share the file (your music) to your iPad, or friends, or simply store it.
It also allows you to print files as JPG etc (very handy!)
9. If you have an acoustic piano...
Several students have acoustic pianos that have been tuned recently, and everything's fine for online lessons.
If your piano is flat, it makes it REALLY hard to use backings, or for apps to "hear" you correctly.
Here's a good piano tuner who is still coming to Blue Mountains to tune pianos...
10. If your keyboard needs a pedal...
I'm suggesting these two sellers on eBay. I don't know them, I have nothing to do with them.
However, they have good ratings,
they are VERY inexpensive (under $20 including postage - wow!)
they are in Australia, so you'll get your pedal very quickly:
Please feel free to contact me before if buy if you have any questions...
Keep safe, and keep playing piano!
Stephen Walter
(C) 2020 Blue Mountains Piano School