Updated 2020-04-01

An Instant Lesson doesn't require a scheduled appointment.
You don't need to download anything.
You don't need a password or code.
Just bring a positive attitude (and some light!)
A wise parent today told me that he thought the term "Social Distancing" was the worst possible term - "Physical Distancing" was more accurate, and still allows us to consider "Social Closeness" - thanks Ric!
I think that Instant Lessons might be an easier way to work into things, at least for the first two weeks.
And please, this is an adventure for me as well, so all suggestions and comments are gratefully accepted!
Before we begin, make sure you have your device and music ready to go!
If you need advice on getting ready, you can read my earlier blog post here:
Now here we go!
1. Make sure your device is plugged in or at least fully charged.
I've had one lesson that didn't even start because the phone was flat.
2. I'll give you a phone call at your lesson time.
This way you don't have to sit around.
I can also be right there on the phone to talk through any issues.
3. Click here to open the Instant Lesson:
4. Now you'll be prompted to enter your name and email:
5. Now select JOIN MEETING
6. OK, now the one tricky bit...
Your device will ask for permission to connect to the Instant Lesson.
Different devices will do this in slightly different ways.
6a.If you're using Apple, your device will ask:
"meetfox.com" Would Like to Access the Microphone and Camera
and now select ALLOW
6b. If you're using Android, your device will ask:
"Would you like to share your camera and microphone with meetfox.com?"
It will then probably give you an option to choose the VIDEO SOURCE
(depending on the device, you may have to do this twice
and now select SHARE
6c. If you're using a computer, the process should be similar
7. Now select JOIN MEETING
On Apple devices, you might need to scroll down to see the button (often the pop up keyboard covers the button!)
That's It!
If you have any problems, please let me know.
During the holidays I have lots of other plans for activities, like:
- group workshops (maybe composing, improvising, blues, theory, reading a lead sheet)
- I'd also like for students to consider sharing some videos of you playing parts of your pieces at home (you can video just your fingers if you want to remain anonymous!)
- I'd like to some collaborative projects, especially duets!
After the holidays we can move to the "Scheduled Meeting" mode, which offers extra features - including cloud recording - which I think will be very helpful for all students.
But Instant Lessons is a quick easy way to start this adventure...
Stephen Walter
(C)2020 Blue Mountains Piano School