While we’ve been in COVID lockdown, Wendy has been very busy...

Many of you have enjoyed playing pieces from ComposeCreate, which is really Wendy Stevens, being very creative in the USA.
I enjoy the way she uses patterns, fun lyrics, and beautifully typeset music (with gorgeous cover pages, and sometimes even colouring-in pages) to make music fun and educational.
Studio Licenses
One HUGE benefit of her music is the way that she sells it: I buy it as a teacher, and she grants me a studio license to give free copies to my students.
I’ve purchased just about every piece she’s written, so if you like any of her pieces, let me and , and we can learn it!
Even better, Wendy has written to me and given me permission to send these to you via email while the COVID lockdown continues...
Lockdown Creative Burst
During the COVID lockdown, Wendy has been busily creating a range of new pieces.
Already several students have enjoyed her “short sheets” series, one page pieces created to fun to play, but quick to learn.
So here are some of her new pieces...
“Short Sheets” Pieces For Beginners
These are great for beginners: they use just the black keys, and simple rhythms - and they’re fun!
Playful Jobs
Summer Fun
At The Fair
More Advanced “Short Sheets”
These are a step up in difficulty! But you can choose from reflective and calm, to energetic!
Living Life
This collection has the popular “Unhurried Day”, already being played by youngsters and seniors alike.
Fun Foods
“Short Sheets” With A Challenge...
These are in the Grade 2-3 level. It’s amazing how much expressiveness and joy Wendy can put into just one page!
Secrets In The Trees
Start Your Engines
Solo Pieces
Wendy has also written two new magnificent solo pieces.
Prairie Creek Sunrise
This is already popular with both adults and younger students. About Grade 2-3, with flowing arpeggios and warm chords.
This is more difficult (Grade 4-5), with hands crossing over, rippling arpeggios, tenuto melodies - very pretty and reflective.
And For Those With Pets...
Wendy has three pieces about pets...
Through The Glass
This is about goldfish.
Fuzzy Facts
A humourous look at the psychology of owning a cat (or perhaps, a cat owning you...)
Go With You
Well, this is my favourite! A Puppy that wants to go to school with you, and promises to learn to read and right and stay hidden under your desk!
I Want To Play These Pieces!
If you like any of these pieces, and would like to play them, just let me know!
I’ve purchased a studio license for all of them , so you can do them for free.