
Dear Stephen,
Thank you for the wonderful gift you have given my daughter.
Providing her with the opportunity to achieve with something she loves has empowered her and boosted her self-esteem enormously. So much so, that she is having a go at things she has had aversions to even attempting.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Stephen was recommended to us by our neighbours. Their children had received piano lessons from him and they had been very pleased with his approach and rapport with their children.
Over the past five years Stephen has very patiently coached and taught our daughter not only how to play the piano but also provided her with a growing knowledge and appreciation of music. We have been constantly impressed by Stephen's ever encouraging style. We have witnessed first hand Stephen's ability to build both the confidence and motivation of our daughter to strive to improve her skills on the piano and her appreciation of music.
Stephen clearly has an aptitude in teaching young children. He is ever patient, positive and encouraging and has an enthusiasm and deep interest in music that can only be described as contagious.
Dear Stephen,
Just wanted to say a big 'THANK YOU' for all your enthusiasm, positive feedback, and great expertise with our son this year. He's been fortunate to be your pupil, and has learnt much about piano because of your motivation and commitment.
Dear Stephen,
Thank you for all the effort and joy you put into our music lessons.
All our children play and enjoy playing the piano. We have you to thank for this.
I have known Stephen for the last eight years during his time as my daughter's music teacher. Partly due to Stephen's keenness to have his students' parents involved in the teaching process I feel that I have had the opportunity to observe his teaching skills at close quarter.
I have been a teacher for 25 years and have held many positions which have led me to come into contact with many teachers and which have given me an expertise in the quality of teaching.
In that time I can honestly say Stephen Walter is one of the most outstanding teachers I have ever come in contact with. He has every quality which an effective teacher needs: he is passionate about his subject, he has exceptional practical and theoretical competence and, most importantly, he connects well with his students.
Over the years I have observed Stephen working with my own daughter and also observed his connections with many other students and parents who have proceeded or followed my daughters lessons. He is always unfailingly cheerful and enthusiastic no matter the time, day or season.
He is a supportive and encouraging teacher who always brings out the best through his positive reinforcement.
Stephen is also an innovative practitioner and he uses his advanced skills in computing to enhance the students' learning through the thoughtful and effective use of technology to increase his students' engagement and sense of achievement.
Dear Stephen,
Thank you for teaching our children. Thank you for your care, thought and enthusiasm. Our children have learnt a lot about music and life from you.
Dear Stephen,
Just wanted to say a big 'THANK YOU' for all your enthusiasm, positive feedback, and great expertise with (our son) this year. He's been fortunate to be your pupil, and has learnt much about piano because of your motivation and commitment.
T & I M.
Dear Stephen,
Thank you for teaching (my daughters) their music over the past years. (My daughter) has composed several pieces... you might like to ask her to perform them.
Thank you again.
Dear Stephen,
Thanks to your intelligence, beliefs, good humour, abilities, and rapport with child and adult alike, we have found not only the greatest music teacher we know of, but also a wonderful role model for our precious son.
We are overwhelmed at your generosity and ability to spark obvious excitement in a a boy who is normally very guarded with outward excitement.
A & M L.
Dear Stephen,
Yours was the first music school in NSW to use the Roland Lab, Pianos, MT-100 and PianoISM software. It has been a long road, but you've been testament to the positive results that teaching in this way produces.
Russell Cooper, Education Manager, Roland Australia
The Curriculum Studies Department purchased computers, software and accessories from Stephens Music & Computers for the use of music education lecturers and students. We did so on the recommendation of musicians and music educators who praised Stephen Walters knowledge and experience.
Based on my experience over the last 12 months I can recommend Stephens Music & Computers. Stephen has always been available for telephone advice, and has been willing to travel to Newcastle for service difficulties and help when required. His knowledge of the the hardware, the programs and the educational value of the individual programs has been of great value to this department.
Denise Paterson, Course Director Music,
Curriculum Studies Department, University Of Newcastle
Stephen Walter has assisted Swansea High School, our Regional Disadvantaged Program Committee and myself in the development of music technology and in particular computer technology since 1989. His obvious outstanding knowledge, expertise and support has been tremendous to our faculty and the Hunter Region. Through courses, regular newsletters, correspondence and phone support from Stephen, our faculty has developed into one of the leaders in the use of creative technology within the Hunter Region.
I have always found Stephen not only knowledgeable but also honest, trustworthy and patient as a creative computer consultant and teacher. He is indeed a leader in the field of creative computer education demonstrated through his expertise, experience and success. He has also displayed excellent skills in communicating his knowledge to others.
Paul Parmeter, Regional DSP Music Computer Consultant
Swansea High School Music Faculty
Dear Stephen,
I am writing to express my thanks and appreciation for your generous support of the Hunter Region Senior Music Camp.
Your special skills added a further dimension to the camp program.
Overall, the camp greatly enriched the musical experiences of students. Your contribution was significant in achieving this. Thank you.
Kim Sutherland, Performing Arts Program Manager
Department of Education, Newcastle West
Dear Stephen,
Thank you so much for presenting the workshops on Music and Computers at the Western Region Creative Arts Conference. The participants certainly appreciated the session, and the opportunity to hear what can be achieved with computer software. Your expertise in the area, and your presentation skills were highly commended.
It is wonderful to have as a tutor someone who is both talented and enthusiastic, and can communicate that to others. The sessions certainly fulfilled the aim of the workshops, which was to give teachers new ideas and skills for the areas they teach.
Thank you again for your generous contribution of time and talent.
Rosslyn Kemp, Creative Arts Consultant
Department of Education, Western Region
Moving Pixels have dealt with Stephen Walter of Stephens Music & Computers for over 12 months and have found his level of service, enthusiasm, and commitment to be unsurpassed in the computer and music industry.
He has instigated projects and funded development of programs that enable hime to give an even higher level of service to his customers and has invested considerable time gaining knowledge and experience in all facets og the computer and music fields.
Tony Barker, Moving Pixels & Big Earth Publishing
I highly recommend Stephen Walter as a consultant. Since the installation of our computer system a year ago I have found Mr Walter to be extremely helpful and accommodating. He is always ready to speak to me over the phone with any problem and make the effort to make a personal visit when requested in order to ensure all is operating smoothly. I have found him to be friendly, supportive, and sincere.
Catherine MacDonald, Music Teacher, Penrith High School
Letters have been edited to protect privacy.