
Creative Kids Vouchers Save You $100
Simply get your voucher from the Service NSW website, send the voucher to me, and save $100 off your piano fees.
You can register and get your voucher here:
I'm happily on-board with any Government offer to save parents money. I hope they boost it to two vouchers a year (like sports...)
Here's what to do:
1. Please send me a screenshot or pdf of the voucher. Please include DOB.
The voucher has a ridiculously and unnecessarily long 16 digit number (why do Governments offer things, and then make it so hard to apply to get them?). Sending a screenshot or pdf makes submitting the voucher number easier.
The vouchers don't include the DOB, but this is needed for approval. Please just include it in your email.
2. I will submit the paperwork, and when I have an approval, I'll email you ASAP.
3. Pay your invoice minus your $100 voucher (or $200 for two students etc)
That's it! Save $100!
If you'd like to know more about Creative Kids vouchers; or if you have a voucher to submit; or you have some questions...
Just email me here:

Have fun, keep safe, be positive, and enjoy some music!
Stephen Walter
(C) Blue Mountains Piano School